Tuesday, April 30, 2013

David Lee Scher, MD, Shares Thoughts on Remote Patient Monitoring and Value-Based Healthcare

Digital Health Corner
Remote patient monitoring is on the rise
David Lee Scher, MD, is a pioneer adopter of remote patient monitoring (RPM) technology more than 13 years ago, and has become an astute observer and expert on barriers to the adoption of RPM and other digital technologies. He recently posted on his blog, The Digital Health Corner, an interesting blog on how remote patient monitoring will lead to value-based healthcare.

The post provides insights into how newer payment models, such as Medicare payment penalties and bundled payments that are a part of the Affordable Care Act are “…creating an economic environment which is conducive to the widespread use of remote patient monitoring for recently discharged hospital patients and those with chronic diseases, says Dr. Scher.” In the post, Dr. Scher talks about why RPM is a practical solution, why it needs to be utilized now, and where it fits into existing strategies.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on Dr. Scher’s post. Specifically, what challenges do you see in adopting remote patient monitoring.

Dr. Scher participated in a panel discussion at the recent Telehealthcare Leaders Forum. As a part of the panel, he and his colleagues shared insights on overcoming clinical, financial, and marketplace barriers to speed the adoption of telehealthcare solutions and technologies, which include remote patient monitoring technologies.

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